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The Russia-BRICS Project office of International Youth Cooperation is based in Ulyanovsk, Russia. The Project office was founded in 2020 and since then different projects, designed to support and improve cross-cultural ties between young people from the BRICS countries, are being conducted by its team.
The goal of the Project office is to unite the efforts of federal and regional government bodies, public organizations, and the student community in order to support the systemic interaction of young people and youth organizations in Russia and the BRICS countries.
The Project Office has organized such events as the VI International Youth BRICS Summit, International Youth Forum on Public Diplomacy "InterYES!", International Public Diplomacy project “Meeting Russia: Reunion”, International Youth BRICS Camp. In the nearest future the Project office is going to hold the International Online Case-Conference “UNESCO Global Geoparks of the BRICS+ countries", International Volunteer Online Conference "BRICS. ТO YOU", Youth Cultural Self-Identification Project "BRICS Code" and others.

The National Committee for BRICS Research (BRICS NKI) was established in 2011 in order to implement the approval by the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev on May 24, 2011, an action plan to implement the agreements reached the BRICS summit in Sanya (China).
NKI BRICS's main goal is to organize and conduct research on the role and place of the BRICS countries and other "rising powers" in world politics and economics. NKI BRICS is intended to contribute to the formation of a unified information field in the field of domestic BRICS research and the promotion of the Russian position and expert assessments in the international arena; coordination of the activities of leading research organizations and experts in the BRICS area.
Since April 2012, NKI BRICS has begun to issue a regular Bulletin, which contains analysis and information on the most interesting Russian and foreign publications and studies on BRICS topics, publishes NKI BRICS news, and provides an overview of upcoming events.
In 2015 and 2020 within the framework of Russia's chairmanship in association with BRICS BRICS NKI was nominated for the Russian Foreign Ministry responsible organization for carrying out the key events of the academic track interaction "five" - Academic Forum BRICS, Civic Forum BRICS and others.

Regional public organization for the preservation and popularization of the cultural, historical, creative heritage and national cultural traditions of the BRICS member countries, support and implementation of multilateral cultural projects in the humanitarian track of the Five.
The main statutory goal of the Organization is to unite citizens and non-governmental organizations of the BRICS member states in order to develop public diplomacy and cooperation in the cultural, educational and social spheres of the BRICS member states.
Among the important and large-scale projects of the Organization: Multilateral relay race of cultural and research expeditions "Great Teachers of BRICS" in the countries of the "five" (2015-2019); International literary and historical project “BRICS Peoples: Dedicated to War Heroes (2020-2021); International online video competition "Revival of the hospitality traditions of the BRICS peoples" in the countries of the union (2020-2025). The organization became a member of the BRICS Civil Forums (2015-2020).

RIC Media is an information bridge between various countries, created for those who are willing to explore business opportunities outside of their countries or find foreign partners and investors. We help international organizations to have a media footprint in Russia and Russian companies to build their communication strategies in the foreign markets. While we help organizations build brand reputations, we also actively promote effective international cooperation and facilitate creating and strengthening information links between Russia and other countries.

Janhit Times is a 24x7 digital news channel, which covers beats from politics to the public interest, sports to entertainment, national & international with 100% news content only.
Public interest is not a matter of government only. It is a collective responsibility of ours. So, let's come together for public interest to give it a positive start with "Janhit Times".

The Foundation “Ulyanovsk – the Capital of Culture” was established in July 2012 on the initiative of Sergey Morozov, the Governor of the Ulyanovsk region.
The Foundation “Ulyanovsk – the Capital of Culture”:
holds the International Cultural Forum in the Ulyanovsk region annually;
holds various events aimed at cultural, art and creative industries development and promoting the Ulyanovsk region with the help of culture on the regional, federal and international levels;
initiates grant contests supporting and developing cultural initiatives in the sphere of modern culture;
consults and gives information concerning the culture and cultural policy of the region;
holds seminars, open discussions and round tables.

South African BRICS Youth Association (SABYA) is a youth-led non-profit organization located in South Africa, Pretoria. Its mission is to provide South African and African youth of different races, backgrounds and disciplines a platform to meaningfully engage on intra-BRICS issues and usher in a youth perspective on critical issues affecting young people in particular. We seek to maximize youth participation in BRICS and other international engagements such as the Y20, Euro-BRICS, United Nations and International youth forums.
To create a platform for young people to participate in BRICS, African Union, Y20 and the United Nations to influence policy and engage with governments on the youth-related issue.
To facilitate and host youth conferences and create awareness around multilateral and international youth challenges and opportunities.
To build a cohort of policymakers and influencers who are key players in creating a world free of internalized, interpersonal, and institutional oppression in strategic platforms.
To advocate for the Inclusion of young people within local, regional and international decision making bodies.

The Fund for Support and Development of Regions "Native Land" is a unitary non-profit organization established by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of voluntary property contributions. The Foundation pursues social and other publicly beneficial goals. The activities of the Foundation are carried out within the framework of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 7-FZ “On Non-Profit Organizations”, other current regulations of the Russian Federation, and this Charter.
Implementation of social projects and programs in the regions. Development and implementation of projects and programs of cultural, recreational, educational socially significant events - organization (or assistance in organizing) congresses, conferences, symposiums, festivals, seminars, competitions, expositions, exhibitions, fairs, holidays, etc., incl. for people with disabilities and their families.

The Eurasian Movement was originally founded in 2010 as the youth social movement “Young Eurasia”. In November 2015, at the Founding Congress in “Ethnomir”, it was transformed into the Eurasian Movement of the Russian Federation as a full-fledged legal entity. At the moment, we are the largest socio-political Eurasian movement in Russia and the post-Soviet space. The Eurasian Movement attaches special importance to the combination of patriotic ideology with the professional knowledge and pragmatic approach of its participants.
The mission of the Movement is to build the Eurasian Union based on a synthesis of the theories of classical and pragmatic Eurasianism.
The main goals and directions of our work are:
promoting economic modernization and strengthening the sovereignty of the Russian Federation;
support for Eurasian integration in the field of public diplomacy;
promoting interethnic and interfaith harmony;
popularization of pan-Eurasian patriotism and a healthy lifestyle, spiritual and moral education of the younger generation;
support and promotion of innovative projects in the EAEU space.
The movement officially stands for the supremacy of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the political regime of the countries of the post-Soviet space, as well as for the voluntariness, gradualism and multi-level nature of Eurasian integration.

Diplomacy is about communication and finding common solutions, often involving compromise. In sports diplomacy, these issues are shaped by national leadership. The goal is not just to reach an agreement but to turn adversaries into allies, enhancing Russia's image globally.
To promote and develop sports diplomacy, support ethical education, and foster the comprehensive and harmonious development of athletes.
Established in 2022, the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization "Commonwealth of Sports Diplomacy" aims to achieve these goals.