Name of the Event: Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreigners 2024
Place: Mexico
Mode: Offline
Last Date of Application: 28 June 2024
Link to Apply:
On behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) invites foreign citizens who are interested in studying for a specialization, master’s degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate-level academic mobility program, to participate in the 2024 Mexican Government Scholarship Program for International Students.
Scholarship Benefits
AMEXCID will grant to the selected applicants:
For Master's, undergraduate and Master's level mobility, and master's research scholarships, a monthly maintenance stipend of 4 (four) times the monthly value of the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA), currently equivalent to $13,202.12 (Thirteen thousand two hundred two pesos 12/100 M.N.) monthly. The Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) is subject to changes established by law (Maintenance is provided monthly in arrears).
For Doctoral scholarships and research stays at the doctoral and postdoctoral levels, the monthly maintenance stipend will be 5 (five) times the monthly value of the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA), currently equivalent to $16,502.65 (Sixteen thousand five hundred two 65/100 M.N.) monthly. The Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) is subject to changes established by law (Maintenance is provided monthly in arrears).
Enrollment and tuition fees, in accordance with the program established by each Mexican Educational Institution, and subject to the final decision of each institution, are issued through the acceptance letter provided to each applicant.
Medical insurance through the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). Validity begins from the seventh month of the scholarship and lasts for a duration similar to the scholarship period granted.
Exemption from the cost of issuing the Mexican visa.
International air transportation upon successful completion of the scholarship. The ticket will be provided in economy class and according to the flight route determined to be most convenient for AMEXCID. Please consult the list of countries eligible for this benefit.
National transportation. In the case of studying outside Mexico City, transportation will be covered from Mexico City to the host city of the receiving academic institution, and back to Mexico City upon completion of the scholarship period with satisfactory academic results. Only applies to national airfare or ground transportation.
In all applicable cases, AMEXCID will purchase the airline ticket; any individual purchases will not be subject to reimbursement.
Any changes desired by the scholarship recipient to the airline ticket purchased by AMEXCID after its issuance will be covered by the individual.
If the national transportation provided is by land, the scholarship recipient must cover the bus fare and will be reimbursed the amount expended.
The administration and management of the aforementioned benefits will be handled by the Academic Exchange Directorate of AMEXCID and will be communicated to selected candidates before formalizing the scholarship.
Applications must adhere to the provisions established in the Call for Applications, including the documents referred to herein and the corresponding formats, under the following terms:
Applications will be received in electronic format through the Academic Cooperation Management System (SIGCA), during its validity.
The registration of applications must be in Spanish.
The SIGCA portal will remain open to receive applications during the period from May 16, starting at 18:00 hours, until June 28, 2024, at 15:00 hours Central Mexico Time.
The application must be made on a personal basis, and only one registration per person will be accepted.
Applicants holding more than one nationality may submit only one application, which must correspond to one of the eligible countries listed in this Call for Applications. This should be submitted according to the nationality with which the applicant will be accredited.
Only applications for scholarships within the academic offerings of this Call for Applications will be evaluated.
We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers at -