Name of the Event: CrossCulture Programme (CCP) Fellowship
Place: Germany or CCP partner countries
Mode: On-Site
Working language: English
Last Date of Application: 5 December 2024
Link to Apply:
The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) funds 55 to 60 professionals and dedicated volunteers from over 40 countries with its CCP Fellowships. Fellows spend two to three months working with host organisations in Germany or CCP partner countries to broaden their expertise, build valuable networks and further develop their intercultural skills. In return, the host organisations benefit from the expertise, regional knowledge and networks of the CCP Fellows.
Who can apply?
Countries currently participating in the programme -
Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bhutan, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam.
What are the prerequisites?
Minimum age is 23 years at the time of application
Work experience: At least two years of proven professional experience or volunteer work in a civil society organisation in the home country
Language skills: Good command of written and spoken English
Health status: Ability to undertake a prolonged stay abroad (if you are uncertain whether your state of health allows you to participate, please contact crossculture@ifa.de)
Exclusion criteria: students are not eligible to participate in the programme
What is desirable?
Long-term social or community commitment
Existing or planned collaboration with an organisation in the host country
Additional language skills, particularly German
Fellowships are principally awarded to people working in the following subjects and professional fields -
Policy and society
Media and Culture
Human rights and peace
Sustainable development and climate justice
In 2025, the programme will also focus on the following key issues -
Culture of remembrance
Gender and diversity
What Does the Funding Include?
Ifa will cover the following costs for participants from abroad -
a monthly stipend of 650 euros
round-trip airfare
monthly public transportation ticket within the fellow’s city of residence
health insurance
reimbursement of any visa fees incurred
The programme does not provide for the accompaniment of family members such as spouses/partners or children. Ifa will not assume any additional costs or responsibilities for other individuals. The amount of the scholarship is subject to funding by the German Federal Foreign Office.
We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers.