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Applications are Open for the Climate Champion of Young India Fellowship

Date: August 2024 - January 2025

Duration: 6 Months

Last Date of Application: 15 July 2024

Link to Apply:

About the Fellowship:

30 Climate Champions of Young India, who are grassroots-level climate advocates from diverse backgrounds across the country will be selected. Under this fellowship, these leaders will be equipped with resources and training to set up local chapters and mobilize youth in their community while integrating government-youth partnerships

Format Of Training: In-Person & On Ground

Grant Amount: Upto ₹65,000

Eligibility Criteria:

The fellowship is eligible for young people between the ages of 18 and 29. You should apply for the fellowship:

  • If you are a young changemaker engaged in youth mobilization and driving impact at the grassroots level; or

  • If you are leading or are a part of a youth-led organization and seeking support to amplify your efforts; or

  • If you are interested in climate action and are eager to unlock opportunities to accelerate your journey in grassroots mobilization

How to Apply?

  • Provide details about your background, experience and motivation to join NYCC, amongst other questions in the application form.

  • Submit any supporting documents or links to your previous work, projects, or initiatives in climate action.

  • If you want to fill out the form in your own language, please choose the option to translate by following the instructions here. We encourage you to use audio and video recordings to answer long-form questions in English or your own language

We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers at -


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