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Applications are Open for the IGF 2025 Support for Global South Journalists to Cover the 20th Annual IGF

Date: 23 - 27 June 2025

Place: Lillestrøm, Norway

Last Date of Application: 7 March 2025

Link to Apply:

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF)’s support to journalists from the Global South is an initiative to promote insightful, balanced, and impactful journalism on digital governance and its dynamics, as they are discussed at the IGF. It aims to attract journalists from the Global South who have experience with digital issues to cover the 20th Annual IGF.

Aims and Objectives:

  • To select a group of journalists passionate about highlighting digital issues from a Global South perspective. The selected journalists will be limited in number and fulfil balanced regional, gender and other diversity distributions.

  • To promote in-depth, knowledgeable, and nuanced coverage of the 20th IGF and related digital governance topics.

  • To have the coverage appear on diverse platforms with different audiences.

  • To facilitate the building of an informal network of journalists from the Global South who can continue to share insights and coverage on digital governance issues beyond the IGF annual meeting.


  1. Participants must be nationals of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Low-Income Countries (LICs), Lower Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) or Economies in Transition and at least 18 years old.

  2. Participants must be currently employed or freelancing as a journalist with at least three years of experience in journalism, including coverage of tech or digital issues, working for a recognized media outlet or freelancing, whose work has been regularly published by a recognized media outlet.

  3. Participants must be self-equipped to produce coverage in their chosen medium (in possession of necessary equipment for writing, audio and video recording, and/or photography).

  4. By submitting an application, you hereby warrant that all information submitted by you is true, current and complete. The Organizers reserve the right to verify the eligibility of all applicants.

  5. The Organizers reserve the right to disqualify any applicant if there are reasonable grounds to believe the applicant has breached any of the Terms and Conditions.

Selection, Awards and Participation:

  • Successful applicants will be informed in writing. Acceptance replies should reconfirm the successful applicant's plan for covering the IGF.

  • Selected journalists (the "Participants") agree to take part in the entire programme associated with this initiative, including any dedicated workshops or special media sessions held before and/or during the IGF, and post-IGF reporting.

  • Participants consent to the use of their names, likenesses, and submitted work (including their author's rights, if any) for promotional purposes in connection with the initiative.

  • The initiative will cover expenses associated with travel, accommodation, and a per diem as outlined in the acceptance letter.

  • The procurement of an entry visa for Norway and any other applicable travel documentation is the sole responsibility of the participant.

  • The offer for successful applicants to participate in the 20th Annual IGF, to be held in Lillestrøm, Norway from 23 to 27 June 2025, is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.

  • Journalists taking part in the initiative agree to publish at least a total of five (5) stories related to the priority areas of the 20th Annual IGF. The number of required pieces may be modified by the Organizers according to the journalist's medium. Publication of all required pieces must occur within two (2) months from the end of the event.

We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers at -


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