Name of the Event: XV International Youth Camp “Dialogue”
Date: 19 - 23 August 2024
Place: Ethnographic park-museum «ETNOMIR», Kaluga region, Russian Federation
Working language: Russian and English
Last Date of Application: 5 August 2024
Link to Apply:
International Youth Camp «Dialogue» is an educational communication platform on topical issues of building and promoting intercultural dialogue and the development of international youth cooperation, as well as for interaction and exchange of experience of young leaders from the Russian Federation, the CIS and other foreign countries, which are aimed at strengthening international relations, development of cultural exchange and formation of a global youth community.
Aim of the Camp:
To organize an educational communication platform that brings together young leaders from the Russian Federation, the CIS and other foreign countries working in the field of intercultural dialogue and international youth cooperation to strengthen friendly and professional ties, consolidate experience, improve professional skills and competencies, develop further cooperation and implement joint projects.
Participants Profile:
The XV International Youth Camp «Dialogue» will bring together 100 participants interested in expanding public relations and cooperation, as well as the implementation of joint projects aimed at strengthening intercultural dialogue and the development of international youth cooperation. Participants will be represented by three main groups:
60 young leaders from the Russian Federation;
20 young leaders from the CIS member states;
20 young leaders from other foreign countries.
A candidate to participate in the camp must meet the following criteria:
be between 18 and 35 years of age;
be a representative of a youth public organization / a representative of a student organization / a representative of a youth volunteer organization / a representative of an informal youth association / a representative of a youth initiative group / a young person who has a ready-made project or idea for a project aimed at strengthening intercultural dialogue and the development of international youth cooperation;
be motivated to learn and participate actively in the Camp;
have a desire to convey the knowledge and experience gained during the Camp, and the ability to initiate and implement joint project ideas;
to be present throughout the entire Camp programme and participate in all elements of the programme;
have the ability to work in Russian or English.
Financial conditions for participation:
The organizers will provide transfer from Moscow to the Campsite; accommodation in double, triple and four-bed rooms; food and cultural programme for all participants during the Camp.
The organizers will provide payment for travel from the airport/train station of the country of residence to the city of Moscow and back, as well as payment of the visa fee for foreign participants. Russian participants pay for travel to Moscow and back independently or at the expense of the sending organization.
The organizers will assist in obtaining visas for foreign participants who may require them.
The XV International Youth Camp «Dialogue» is held jointly by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the National Youth Council of Russia and the Federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education «MIREA — Russian Technological University», which performs the functions of the Basic Organization of the CIS Member States for work with young people.
We are not the official organisers of the program. If you have any queries regarding it, kindly contact the organisers at -