On 25-26 October 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "BRICS Scientific, Technological and Innovative Cooperation" will be held.
Conference organizers: Russian National Committee on BRICS Research, Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAS).
The purpose of this conference is a constructive discussion of strategies, key problems, challenges and mechanisms of innovative technological development and cooperation of the BRICS countries.
Leading Russian and foreign experts, representatives of relevant ministries and departments, business structures, political parties and public organizations, media are invited to take part in the conference. Participation of students with reports and comments will not be considered. Participation of leading experts can be offline, online and by correspondence.
General requirements: clear and reasoned presentation of the problem(s) under consideration, mandatory representation and practical relevance of assessments, conclusions and recommendations.
The following issues will be discussed at the conference:
- Global trends of scientific, technological and innovative development;
- National interests of the BRICS countries in the field of scientific, technological and innovative development;
- Goals, objectives and main mechanisms of modernization of the technological base and scientific complex of the BRICS countries;
- The place and role of scientific, technological and innovative development in the implementation of the national development goals and strategic objectives of the BRICS countries;
- Mechanisms for project and program implementation of modernization strategies, innovative and scientific and technological development of the BRICS countries;
- Innovative processes in the BRICS countries: scope, quality, factors and results;
- Innovative policies in the BRICS countries: principles, priorities, strategies and mechanisms for their implementation;
- Scientific, technological and innovative cooperation in the modern world;
- Goals and objectives of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- General principles of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Priorities and strategic areas of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Main barriers to the development of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation;
- Targets and performance indicators for scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Program and project mechanisms of implementation of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Institutional framework of scientific, technological and innovative cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Coordination of research and development activities of particular importance for the innovative and technological development of the BRICS countries;
- Prospects of implementation of scientific and technological mega-projects by the BRICS countries;
- Creation of integrated infrastructure of innovative and technological cooperation of business entities of the BRICS countries;
- Potential of cooperation in modernization of leading sectors of the sixth technological order (electronic, nuclear and electrical industry, ICT sector, machine tools, ship, automotive and instrument making, pharmaceutical industry, rocket and space industry, aircraft industry);
- Potential cooperation of the BRICS countries in the field of technological modernization of energy, oil and gas industry, petrochemistry;
- Prospects of cooperation of the BRICS countries in the field of scientific, technological and innovative development of health care;
- Creation of joint structures of scientific, production and educational complexes focused on development, serial production and implementation of innovative products and services;
- Mechanisms of networking on problems of scientific and information support of modernization, innovation and technological development and cooperation of the BRICS countries;
- Legislative and legal, financial and economic, scientific, information and personnel support of international cooperation and cooperation of the BRICS countries in the field of scientific, technological and innovative development.
Contact persons:
- on behalf of the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research – Prof. Irina YARYGINA, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Chair of the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy of MGIMO University under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Scientific Director of the Russian National Committee on BRICS Research, jiz4@yandex.ru;
- on behalf of the INION RAS – Mr. Vladimir GERASIMOV, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Scientific Cooperation, INION RAS, coopinion@mail.ru.
The conference materials will be published in the editions of INION RAS and/or on sufficiently visited information and analytical websites "Greater Eurasia: Development, Security, Cooperation" http://ukros.ru, "Russia: Key Problems and Solutions" http://rkpr.inion.ru and on the website of the Club of Subjects of Innovative and Technological Development http://innclub.info. Most of the materials will also be placed in the e-library.
Participation in the conference and publication of materials are free of charge.
To the attention of non-resident participants: transport costs and accommodation in Moscow are borne by the sending party or the participant himself.
Please send applications to e-mail coopinion@mail.ru (CC to coopinion@yandex.ru) before September 30, 2022.
The texts of the reports for publication, drawn up in the form of scientific articles, in the amount of 10 to 30 thousand characters (taking into account gaps), please send to e-mail coopinion@mail.ru (CC to coopinion@yandex.ru) before November 25, 2022. The format of the A4 page. The font is Times New Roman, the font size is 12. Line spacing – 1,5. Indent 1 line of paragraph – 1,25. Footnotes and references to sources - page by page. References are not required at the end of the article. Tables and figures are embedded in the text of the article (tables and figures are not allowed to be presented in landscape format). Tables must have a title above the table field, and figures must have sub-drawing signatures. If you use multiple tables and/or figures in your article, numbering is mandatory. The colors used in the diagrams and figures must be discernible in the black and white image. Each figure must be grouped together. After the title of the article, a list of keywords should be provided in Russian (optional in English), reflecting its content sufficiently. No annotations are required.
Materials containing plagiarism elements will not be published.
In order to interact and cooperate with colleagues and interested organizations, the authors can indicate their e-mail in a note on 1 page, briefly outline their professional interests and priority thematic areas of their organization.
Proposals for cooperation with the organizers of the conference are requested to be sent to coopinion@mail.ru (CC to coopinion@yandex.ru).