Location: Moscow, Russia
Date: from 27 to 29 September 2023
Working language: Russian
Last Date of Application: August 20, 2023
Application Link:
The CIS International Scientific and Practical Conference "The role of youth policy and educational activities in the formation of ideological and value meanings and guidelines for the modern young generation" will be held from September 27 to 29, 2023 in Moscow as part of the implementation of the Agreement of the CIS member states on Cooperation in the Field of youth work dated November 25, 2005 and in The Action Plan for 2023-2024 for the implementation of the Strategy of International Youth Cooperation of the CIS member states for 2021-2030.
Purpose of the conference
Presentation and generalization of the results of scientific research on the value orientations of the youth of the CIS member states, discussion of current problems and identification of effective methods for the formation of ideological and value meanings and orientations of the modern young generation.
Conference organizers:
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and MIREA is a Russian Technological University that performs the functions of the Basic Organization of the CIS member states for Youth Work.
The conference is held with the support of the CIS Executive Committee.
The conference will be held in full-time and correspondence format, the working language of the conference is Russian.
The following working sections are planned as part of the conference program:
Civic and patriotic education of youth: a new reality;
Prevention of destructive social impact on young people on the Internet: mechanisms and technologies;
The role of volunteerism in the formation of value orientations of young people.
The following are invited to participate in the conference
representatives of state authorities of the CIS member states responsible for the implementation of youth policy;
representatives of youth public organizations of the CIS member states;
employees of educational institutions of higher education of the CIS member states responsible for educational work;
researchers of youth policy from the CIS member states.
Possible formats of participation
in person with a paper (included by the conference organizers in the conference program);
in person without a paper;
online presentation (included by the conference organizers in the conference program);
online without a paper.
The papers presented at the conference may reflect
the results of scientific research on the value orientations of the youth of the CIS member states;
problems of formation of value orientations of youth and ways to solve them;
successful practices of the CIS member states on the formation of value orientations of youth.
Speaking as a speaker at the conference is possible only if the full package of documents from the participant (application, abstracts, presentation) is provided and confirmation is received from the organizers of the conference.
To participate in the competitive selection, you must submit an application by 23:59 (Moscow time) on August 20, 2023.
If participation is planned with a paper, it is also necessary to attach the abstracts of the paper to the application (in accordance with the requirements for the design of the abstracts of the paper).
The application does not guarantee participation in the conference. Candidates who have successfully passed the competitive selection will receive notification letters no later than August 25, 2023.
Invited by the results of the competitive selection, the participants of the conference, who are making a presentation, will need to send the text of the report and the presentation of the report by e-mail dekker@mirea.ru no later than September 10, 2023.
Conditions of full-time participation in the conference
The sending organizations bear the costs of travel of participants from their place of residence to Moscow and back;
The organizers of the conference provide meals and single accommodation for foreign participants and Russian nonresident participants, as well as a transfer around Moscow within the framework of the conference program.
Following the results of the conference, certificates (in electronic form) are sent to the participants: to the participants who made a paper included by the organizers of the conference in the conference program – the certificate of the speaker at the conference; to the participants without a report – the certificate of the participant of the conference.
The collection of conference materials will be posted on the website of the electronic library "Molodezh Sodruzhestva"