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Participate in the CIFOR-ICRAF Photo Competition 2024

Date: 6 December 2024

Mode: Online

Last Date of Application: 14 October 2024

Link to Apply:

Calling all professional photographers, photo enthusiasts, content creators, and nature lovers. Gear up to showcase the stunning beauty and critical importance of our planet’s biodiversity through the lens of your camera.

Your photos should illustrate any of the following aspects:

  • The incredible diversity of life supported by forests and trees

  • How trees and forests contribute to climate stability and resilience

  • Efforts to restore landscapes through tree planting and conservation

  • The presence of trees in various environments: natural forests, agricultural lands, urban areas and more

  • The relationship between trees and people, emphasizing their importance to our well-being and culture.


  • 1st - USD 500 (Jury selection first prize)

  • 2nd - USD 400 (Jury selection second prize)

  • USD 300 (People’s Choice award)

How to participate:

Submit your entries-

You may submit multiple entries with a maximum of 3 photos; however, you can only have one ultimate entry in the final round. The uploaded file must include the photo’s title, name, email address, social media handles (if applicable), and a caption stating the following: the subject and location, and a short description of the story behind the picture.


You must have the full copyright to the submitted photos. Therefore, by submitting your entries, you will be presumed to have agreed to accept the contest rules and the terms and conditions.


  • The CIFOR-ICRAF photo competition welcomes participants aged 18 or older. You are encouraged to use the photography equipment with which you are most comfortable. Employees of CIFOR-ICRAF are not eligible to enter.

  • By submitting photos to the competition, the contributor agrees to a creative commons, attribution, and non-commercial share-alike license (BY-NC-SA).

  • By uploading the image, the contributor ensures that the image was taken legally and that they have the right to portray all people or other information contained in the image.

  • Competition organizers reserve the right to use all photos submitted through the competition for CIFOR-ICRAF materials and exhibitions during CIFOR-ICRAF events. Contributors will be given credit when the organizers publish or use their pictures. Contributors do not have permission to use the photos they submitted for commercial purposes.

  • Contributors who work for the media are required to attach an authorization signed by a representative of the media company employing them. This authorization should state that the contest organizers have permission to publish the author’s piece from the media outlet where the photo originally appeared.


The CIFOR-ICRAF team will email all finalists on 6 December 2024. They will be invited to share a short video message about their photo and work. The best videos will be exhibited in our art gallery on CIFOR-ICRAF’s digital platform


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