On October 14-16, 2021, the XIII Convention of the Russian Association for International Studies (RAMI) will be held at MGIMO: "to the 30th anniversary of the foreign policy of the new Russia." On the sidelines of the convention, special events of a number of multilateral and bilateral dialogue platforms, events of partner scientific and educational institutions will be held. We invite experts, practitioners and graduate students to participate.
October 15, 2021, 10: 00-12: 00 The National Committee for BRICS Research, together with MGIMO of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is holding a round table "BRICS in the Face of New Challenges" within the framework of the XIII RAMI Convention (held in on / offline format, room 14 MIEP ).
Yarygina I.Z., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Head of the Department of Economics and Banking Business of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Scientific Director of the NKI BRICS
Okuneva L.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of History and Politics of European and American Countries, MGIMO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
G.D. Toloraya, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Committee for BRICS Research
Razumovsky D.V., Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences Topic: Brazil: Regional Aspects of Development
Okuneva L.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, MGIMO
Presentation topic: Evolutions and approaches in Brazil to participation in the BRICS unification
Zvonova E.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor and Badalov L.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Presentation topic: Features of regional regulation of payment and settlement infrastructure
Yarygina I.Z., Doctor of Economics, Professor, MGIMO, NKI BRICS
Speech topic: Challenges for BRICS sustainable economic development
Stolbov M.I., Doctor of Economics, Professor, MGIMO
Presentation topic: Current challenges to financial stability in emergency market economies
Panova G.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor, MGIMO
Presentation topic: Potential of financial and banking integration of the BRICS countries in the context of modern challenges
Bordachev T.V., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor, Higher School of Economics Report
Topic: BRICS and the Crisis of International Institutions
Zharkov E. (Germany), PhD student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Speech topic: Development of BRICS production chains: problems and prospects
Contact person:
Yarygina I.Z., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head. Head of the Department of Economics and Banking Business, MGIMO, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Scientific Director of NKI BRICS,