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VI BRICS International School (Moscow)

Name of the Event: VI BRICS International School (Moscow)

Date: November 20-25, 2022

Place: Moscow, Russian Federation

Mode: Offline

Last Date of Application: September 30, 2022, 23.59 (GMT+3)

Link to Apply:

The BRICS International School is a unique scientific and educational program aimed at training young experts specializing in BRICS studies in political, economic, humanitarian fields and other relevant areas of interaction within the five countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

Participants of the BRICS International School are young diplomats, scientists and researchers, journalists, entrepreneurs, and students as well as post-graduates from Russia, Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, aged from 18 to 35, who are invited to join this program.

Participants are offered a specially developed comprehensive course. The course is divided into thematic modules, organized together with partner organizations – leading think tanks in Russia, whose headquarters are located in Moscow.

Mentors of the BRICS International School are top Russian and international experts and practitioners, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, ministries and agencies, and think tanks with considerable experience in BRICS research. The BRICS International School allows participants to broaden their professional horizons, develop communication skills, and study specifics of cooperation among the BRICS countries – their positions in the global arena, prospects of institutionalization of the BRICS format, goals, and priorities of the grouping for the future.

The program is held on an annual basis with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In 2022 the program is held with the grant support of the Presidential Grant Foundation and the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund.

The purpose of the BRICS International School is to expand a pool of young experts-BRICSologists for further development of youth cooperation within BRICS as well as to support future-oriented projects and ideas of young leaders from BRICS countries.

The main objectives are:

  • Accumulating the intellectual potential of young experts and introducing new expertise

  • Encourage the development of public diplomacy

  • Support the best future-oriented projects and studies from BRICS young leaders

  • Develop a professional community of young experts-BRICSologists


Participation in the program is free of charge.

The organizers provide accommodation for foreign and Russian participants from other cities. The organizers provide travel costs for Russian participants from other cities. The travel costs of foreign participants are paid at their expense.

This program is for:

  • Students and graduate students, young scientists from BRICS countries, aged 18 to 35, who chose the BRICS association as the main object of their scientific and research interest.

  • Young diplomats and representatives of relevant ministries and departments of BRICS countries under the age of 35, whose professional activities provide for cooperation through international organizations and associations, including BRICS.

  • Representatives of NGOs and public associations of BRICS countries, including youth, aged 18 to 35, engaged in the development of international activities in the field of public diplomacy.

  • Young entrepreneurs from BRICS countries, aged 18 to 35, who are developing socially oriented business projects within BRICS.

  • International journalists from BRICS countries, aged 18 to 35 years.

To apply you have to:

  • Fill in the registration form.

  • Record a 1-minute horizontal video of self-presentation in English, which reflects the language level and gives an idea of the participant's communication skills and professional interests. The video file should be uploaded to an open access Internet resource (YouTube, social networks, etc.) and a link should be specified in the registration form.

  • Write a motivational letter in English on the topic “Why I want to take part in the BRICS International School” (500 words).

  • Prepare a presentation of the project on the development of international youth cooperation within BRICS. The presentation should provide information about the original project developed by the participant. The presentation should be made in English in PowerPoint or PDF format and should include the project name, its description, goals and objectives, the target audience of the project and the expected results.

If one of the requirements is not met, the application will be rejected.

Deadline for applications – September 30, 2022, 23.59 (GMT+3).

The list of participants will be published on October 10, 2022. Successful candidates will be notified by e-mail and invited to take part in the BRICS International School.

Upon completion, participants who have mastered at least 75% of the educational program and have successfully passed the final testing will receive certificates.

This program is aimed and building inter-civilizational dialogue. We urge you to treat one another with dignity, respect and civility and acknowledge cultural differences.


This year, the BRICS International School is carried out in conjunction with the Essays Competition "BRICS and the World Community: a Success Story of International Cooperation" to identify the most promising ideas to enhance practical cooperation among youth from BRICS countries and beyond.

The purpose of the competition is to develop critical thinking and essay writing skills on relevant topics of international cooperation, as well as assist in testing the scientific research of young specialists. The competition is an additional part of the BRICS International School, not mandatory for all participants.

The main objectives are:

  • Mobilize the intellectual potential of promising young leaders to develop strategies and solve the most acute problems of BRICS development;

  • Support BRICS studies and promote projects and ideas for BRICS development in Russia and beyond;

  • Encourage young scientists and specialists in the field of International Relations, economics, finance, trade, and humanitarian cooperation to engage in the process of the intellectual search for BRICS’ new development models.

The essay is written in English (2500-3000 words) on one of the proposed topics and should represent the future-oriented project or original research of the one author. The results of the competition will be announced at the end of the BRICS International School.

The authors of the best essays will be invited to publish their essays in the BRICS Journal of Economics (Moscow) and the BRICS Law Journal (Tyumen) for free.


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