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Centre for International Collaboration (CIC)

Let’s Work Together

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Within the expansive framework of the IYES Foundation, the Centre for International Collaboration (CIC) is actively engaged in forging impactful partnerships that extend beyond the BRICS nations. Our fundamental belief is rooted in the notion that international cooperation and exchange serve as catalysts for fostering understanding and cultivating opportunities for the development of youth entrepreneurship and leadership.

Mission and Values:
At the core of our endeavors lies a commitment to nurturing a global environment where young individuals can thrive and contribute meaningfully to society. We recognize that the exchange of ideas, collaboration, and collective efforts are pivotal in creating avenues for youth development on an international scale.

Importance of International Cooperation:
International cooperation, in our perspective, is not merely a diplomatic endeavor but a profound mechanism that unlocks opportunities for youth empowerment and leadership. By transcending geographical boundaries, we aim to provide a platform where diverse perspectives converge, fostering an environment conducive to innovation, collaboration, and cross-cultural understanding.

Programs for Youth Development:
Our diverse array of programs is meticulously designed to empower youth across the globe. These initiatives serve as conduits for acquiring new skills, building extensive networks, and catalyzing positive change within their respective communities. Through skill development, mentorship, and leadership training, we aspire to equip the youth with the tools they need to make a lasting impact.

Global Collaborations:
The Centre for International Collaboration extends an open invitation to like-minded partners worldwide who resonate with our mission and values. We recognize the power of collective action and seek collaboration with organizations and entities that share our vision of fostering youth development through international cooperation.

Creating Opportunities:
Our collaborative efforts are geared towards creating tangible opportunities for youth to explore, learn, and lead. By connecting with partners globally, we aim to bridge gaps, facilitate knowledge exchange, and create a synergistic space where youth can flourish and contribute meaningfully to society.

Values-Driven Collaboration:
We are committed to collaborating with entities that align with our values and mission. Our collaborative ventures are built on a foundation of shared principles, ensuring that every partnership contributes meaningfully to the overarching goal of youth development and empowerment.

In essence, the IYES Foundation's Centre for International Collaboration is a dynamic hub that envisions a world where international partnerships serve as catalysts for youth development, fostering a generation of empowered individuals poised to make a positive impact on a global scale.

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